Wednesday, June 30, 2004

The blinkers and Hazards work! It turns out it was pretty simple. There was a place on the fuse box that really wasn't labeled that need a fuse. It was the fuse the gave the wire going to the turn signal switch juice. After that was hooked up, we got turn signals. Now, there still is some work to be done, the lights supplied with the kit have a dim and bright setting (dim for parking lights and bright for turn signal/brake light). Of course, the color of the dim and bright wires were not always the same, even though I wired them up that way. So, I need to switch a bunch of wires around on 3 of the lights. Also, the diodes I used for the single turn signal light thing, worked great. However, I need to do the same for the hazards. With the hazard wires hooked up, if you turn on the left or right turn signal all 4 lights will blink. This is because the output of the hazard switch is spliced into both left and right turn signal lights. If one turn signal light is turned on, the power goes to the hazard switch post that is also going to the other turn signal wires.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

With the help of my neighbor Brad, we managed to get the windshield mounted.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

I polished and bent the drivers side louver. I wired up all the lights with some connector things so the body and lights can easily be removed for body work and paint.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

I bent and polished the passenger side louver. I placed the drivers side louver unmolested on the side pipe for comparison.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

No time to post, but here are some current pictures...

Monday, June 07, 2004

The body went on! A big "Thanks" to Brad, Ryan (and his girlfriend), and Jonathan for helping me get the body on.

Underdoor aluminum panels have been trimmed to fit, but won't go in until after the car is painted. This is because it will be impossible to get to the body fastener bolts after the body is on. I have no idea what I will do if I ever need to take the painted body off.

The aluminum striker plates for the door assembly got reshaped to fit and are cleco'ed in.

The rear view mirror is installed. This is necessary as it pulls down the body.

Friday, June 04, 2004

I went through the manual to see what is supposed to be done before installing the body. I got most of it done tonight, and only have a couple of things to do tomorrow night.

All 6 of the lower mounting points for the rollbars are drilled. I grinded one of the rollbar support legs so it would mount up flush to the rollbar assembly. The mating tab was welded slightly off by Factory Five and was creating a 1/8" gap on one side. Now the gap is around 1/32" and looks acceptable.

I put most of the weather striping and bulb seal on. I need to finish riviting up the foot box before I can put the weather striping on there.

I picked up some silver hi-temp exhaust paint. The interesting part of the paint is you have to run the car for an hour after painting it to cure the paint. It should fun to run the car for an hour, since the most I've run it for is probably 15 minutes.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Trunk Aluminum is done. Most of the cockpit aluminum is done. I cleaned up the dash wiring a bit. A bunch of the block off plates are installed.